Salwa My Pants are too Short Written by: Maria Da'adoush, Illustrated by: Celeste Aires , Flexibound – January 1, 2020

by AramediA
$ 16.95

Fortunately, I am all grown up. Unfortunately, my pants have become too short for me. Sometimes this is bad and sometimes this is good. Pull the tabs and have fun finding out more about what happens to me. The child in this story encounters a few fortunate and a few unfortunate situations, but his adventure to obtain appropriately sized pants will finish, undoubtedly, with a happy ending.

The interactive presentation of this story’s narrative grants it an abundance of originality, which gives the child the opportunity to guess what comes next on each page. - Before reading the book, you may discuss with the child the meanings of the words ‘fortunately’ and ‘unfortunately.’ - This book teaches the child to react with flexibility when bad things happen - Gives the child an opportunity to reflect during the reading and to think about and predict what may happen after each situation - Helps with positive thinking—in end of the book, the child will realize that when bad things happen, good things will happen too.